What is methylcobolamin?

Methylcobalamin is a unique, activated form of Vitamin B12. It’s actually the exact vitamin our body needs for so many crucial activities, including energy production, healthy nervous systems, and creating protein from amino acids used in muscle tissue.

More commonly, you will see Cyanocobalamin listed as the form of B12 in other energy drinks, vitamins and foods. Unfortunately, Cyanocobalamin must be converted to its active form within the body and in some instances, quite a bit of it never even gets absorbed in the body. Methylcobalamin is an INSTANT form of B12, which means it goes to work immediately, providing you with all the energy you need to work hard and play even harder!

In addition to being fast acting, Methylcobalamin has an extra Methyl group attached to it, which explains it’s unique name and also helps the body by providing, or donating that Methyl group to other critical processes in the body. A process called Methylation occurs constantly within the body and the only thing that stops this process from working right all the time is a lack of Methyl Donors. This is where the Methyl in Methylcobalamin comes in: It provides a Methyl group in order for those processes to continue working smoothly.

As you can see, the benefits of Methylcobalamin are numerous, and what matters most is that its benefits can be felt within seconds of melting a delicious strip in your mouth. Better yet, those benefits continue to last throughout the day, when other energy products would leave you crashed and burnt out.